Over the weekend Executive Producer Selena Gomez confirmed that the popular Netflix series 13 Reasons Why would be returning for a second season.

She posted the following video on her Instagram page and the show’s official Twitter account also confirmed the news.





Now, we are getting our first details on what we can expect from season 2 from the show’s showrunner Brian Yorkey who exclusively spoke to Entertainment Weekly.

On whether he always envisioned a season 2 he said, “I knew by the time we finished season 1 that I wanted to continue. We really have characters who, after 13 episodes, are just beginning the process of recovery and the process of coming to terms with what part they might’ve played in Hannah’s death and how Hannah’s death will change their lives going forward.”

He added, “I realized we were just beginning the process of seeing these boys and girls grow up into men and women. It was something that we didn’t get to watch with Hannah and I would really love to watch it with these other characters I’ve come to love.




One of the big questions going into the new season is whether the main character, ‘Hannah Baker’ would return, to which Yorkey replied, Oh absolutely. I think one of the things that is still hanging out there is this question of is someone responsible for Hannah’s death? Is the school responsible? Who is responsible, if anyone is…We’re going to get some new context for events we already know about and we’re going to see a lot of things we hadn’t even heard about yet that fill in some really interesting gaps in our understanding of who Hannah Baker was and what her life was.”

I know a lot of viewers (like myself) were left upset at the character of ‘Bryce’ and some of the horrific things he did in the first season. So, will he get what’s coming to him?

Yorkey said, “I want to see somebody punch Bryce in the face.”

When we first told you about confirmation of a new season, the reaction on our Facebook page was mixed.

One commenter spoke to the growing number of people who have expressed anger at the series, “I don’t get why people are upset about it. Alot of people feel this show glamorized suicide, but I honestly felt what it did was bring attention to how our actions/words can affect someone. And how poorly the school system does in recognizing and punishing bullies (something that’s been around for years). Yes, we’ve made some progress but not enough and some schools still need to be educated on how to deal with these kind of issues appropriately.”

Another understood the business side of having a second season, “Remember: even when it’s meant to convey a single three-act story, a show can’t just END, we have to keep grinding it out for every penny it’s worth.”

Nevertheless, season two will spark a lot of conversation among viewers.

Here’s the full interview with Brian Yorkey from Entertainment Weekly HERE.

Filed under: 13 Reasons Why, Entertainment Weekly, Netflix