It’s Father’s Day this weekend and I wanted to share with you all my Top 5 Moments as a brand new dad to my little guy Cruze!




  1. Day Cruze Was Born

Monday, April 24, 2017 was the day my life changed forever! I came home from work and Jenna was feeling contractions. We chilled at home for a bit (Jenna wasn’t doing much chilling as she was in pain) before heading out to the hospital. At 7:11pm our son Cruze was born and we were friggin’ parents! Everything changed! We were responsible for a human being and would be for the rest of our lives! I can’t even describe the feeling I had when I saw my son for the first time, when I heard him cry for the first time and when I finally held him in my arms and brought him over to Jenna. Other people have said, “when it happens to you, you’ll know the feeling”…I finally understand.




  1. The Day Jenna Told Me She Was Pregnant

I’ll never forget that day! It was a Thursday evening and we had just finished eating dinner. I was cleaning up in the kitchen and she ran out of the bathroom with a pregnancy test in her hand yelling “OH MY GOD-OH MY GOD-OH MY GOD!” She had tears and as soon as I saw the display that had a “Pregnant” on it, I started to tear up and gave her the biggest hug. The moment was ruined as soon as our dog Tigg jumped up on me and scratched the hell out of my arm because he didn’t know what the hell was going on and why we were freaking out! LOL! And yes, I really did buy that book!


  1. When Cruze Sleeps On My Chest

The first time Cruze fell asleep on my chest the night he was born was another moment that I’ll never forget. This little man, so small and fragile, doesn’t know what’s going on in the world, and I’m the one that gets to be his Dad. I couldn’t stop staring at him. I couldn’t stop smelling the top of his head. I couldn’t stop being happy. Every time he lays on my chest now I still think back to that hospital night and to this day, I still can’t stop staring at him or smelling the top of his head!




  1. The Day We Brought Cruze Home From The Hospital 

This moment is memorable for quite a few reasons:

– I didn’t secure him in the car seat properly! Thank goodness a nurse at the hospital helped us out before we left the place! LOL

– It was going to be the first time that Jenna and I were fully responsible for Cruze. No Doctors or Nurses checking in on us every few hours!

– I was literally driving the speed limit the ENTIRE WAY HOME! I was the guy in the far right lane on the highway going no more than 100km and allowing pretty much everybody merge into my lane when they wanted. I also found myself getting frustrated with people speeding past or who I saw using their phone. I was like, “don’t these idiots know we have a newborn in here? I know I secured the ‘Baby On Board’ sign to the rear window!”


  1. Every Time Cruze Looks At Me 

These are some of my fave moments as I wonder what he’s thinking when he looks up at me. The only thing I think of is “All I wanna be is a good Dad and I hope he grows up thinking that I am.”


I’m only 7 weeks in (almost 8) as a first-time Dad and am enjoying every minute of it! Happy Father’s Day!

Filed under: fathers day, Roz & Mocha