Ed Sheeran took over the Air Canada Centre for two incredible sold nights over the weekend!

Someone once said, it’s impossible to list ANYTHING wrong with Ed Sheeran, and I would have to completely agree! The dude is one of the nicest guys you could ever meet.

When he came into the room for our interview backstage at the ACC, he went around shaking the hand of all our crew, and asked each person how they were doing?

Armed with my “Headcam”, which is a bike helmet with a camera attached to it to for that POV video, I was ready for an awesome chat with Ed!

Having seen a few photos on his Insta of him drinking Margarita’s, one would assume he enjoys the festive beverage. So, to lighten the atmosphere of the room, I smuggled a couple cans in my undies for us to enjoy (don’t tell Ed!).

Sure enough, he was in to it, but said he could only, “have a sip, cuz I’ve got to do a show.”  He enjoyed it though, “that’s alright man, that is alright”.


Realised my insta is quite boring coz I just post crowd pics, so here’s a picture of me drinking a margarita

A post shared by Ed Sheeran (@teddysphotos) on


We always see Ed on stage in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, which is totally fine and awesome, but others pop stars tend to put a lot of attention on their dramatic stage outfits, so I wanted to know if anyone ever tried to change Ed’s look?

“Only when we came to North America. They were just like, ‘we’ve gotta get you a stylist.’ Then they got a stylist and it didn’t work, but my point was like, at the point they wanted to get me a stylist we already sold about 10 million records, and I was like ‘nothing is wrong, you don’t have to change anything’, people don’t buy my records based on the way I look. I was never someone that could sell sex. I’m hoping people just like the music.”

It’s been no secret that Ed has had some high profile girlfriends in the past, and he’s currently in a long term relationship, so I wanted to know if it’s easier to write songs while in love or single?

“Definitely single! I’ve written the best songs of my life whilst in love, but I’ve written the most songs whilst i was single. Like, I’m in studio at the moment trying to write songs and I have no clue what to write about. Like, there’s nothing to complain about in my life what so ever.”

Things then got awesome, when I asked him if he’s ever tried talking without his accent? I then persuaded to pretend to be a Canadian Bar Tender, and in his best Canadian accent Ed offered me an “espresso martini”?!?

Ed’s album ‘Divide’ is available now on Spotify, and listen for this latest singles ‘Castle on the Hill’ and ‘Galway Girl’ now playing on KiSS 92.5!



Filed under: Ed Sheeran