In what can only be described as a shocking, tragic death, the music world is still mourning the passing of Linkin Park’s ‘Chester Bennington’.

In memory of him, YouTuber Kurt Hugo Schneider performed a mashup of some Linkin Park hits.

In the YouTube caption he wrote, Rest In Peace Chester Bennington. I hope you guys enjoy this mashup of some of my favorite Linkin Park songs. I threw In The End, Numb, Shadow Of The Day, What I’ve Done, Heavy, and Crawling in here. All Casey’s links are down below…he did such a good job singing this piano mashup.”

Chester died just 10 days ago after being found in his Los Angeles home. He was 41 years old.

Chester’s wife Talinda Bennington spoke out regarding her husband’s death in a statement she posted to Twitter.



Linkin Park also released their own statement:


Filed under: Chester Bennington, Linkin Park