In the past two weeks Julia Michaels has …

  • Released her debut ‘mini-album’ called Nervous System
  • Released a music video for ‘Uh Huh’ which, BTW … now has over 2 million views on Youtube
  • She performed on both Today and The Late Late Show with James Corden
  • Received a nomination for Best New Artist at the MTV VMA’s .. not to mention …
  • Her first single, Issues is still in the Top 40 … and …
  • She is an early front-runner for the Best New Artist category at the 2018 Grammys


Julia Michaels, who began her journey with songwriting and wrote some major hits including Justin Bieber’s ‘Sorry’, Selena Gomez’s ‘Hands to Myself’ and Hailee Steinfeld’s ‘Love Myself‘, now has an album of her own and branching off as a solo artist.


Julia sat down with Billboard and spoke about her recent success and her hopes in the music biz as an artist:


“Honestly, I had no expectations going in.  I was like, ‘Oh I’ll put out “Issues” and maybe six or seven people will hear it and love it and connect to it.’ We had absolutely no idea that months later, the whole world was going to hear it and accept it and love it, and that I would be putting out my very own mini-album.”


And when asked about the songs on her new album, Julia says,


“All of these songs are true stories — ‘Worst in Me’ especially is about my last relationship.  It’s basically every reason why we couldn’t work. There’s nothing on there that’s false.” Did that verisimilitude make it tough to put the words on paper? “Of course. There are some things that you don’t want to keep… reopening the wound, and every time I sing them, I do that. But every time that I do, it makes me stronger, and it makes me grow.”


Julia is also preparing to hit the road with Shawn Mendes, performing in Australia and New Zealand in the fall: “I see him from time to time when we are at events, and he’ll text me and be like, ‘Ahh, I loved the “Uh Huh” music video, it’s so rad,’ and I’m like, ‘Thanks bro, I love your new song!’”


And a follow-up to her mini-album is already in the works and this time, it’ll be a full-length album and Julia has already written a couple of songs for her next project.


“I write a lot in the shower.  I don’t know if it’s because I’m not thinking about anything else —  I’m just there, and the water’s washing over me and I feel like I can breathe and feel okay. Then I start to get really introspective… This is all very new to me and so much is happening so quickly. I’m just trying to take it step by step.”


And when it comes to the Grammys, “I think every artist hopes to have a Grammy someday.  I don’t like to get my hopes up for things, because then I get really excited and then really torn up. So I like to keep it in the back of my mind.”






Filed under: Julia Michaels