In a brand new interview with Marie Claire Paris Hilton made some comments that have grabbed the attention of many people, especially her comments regarding US President Donald Trump.

As you may know, an old Access Hollywood tape surfaced several months ago that captured Donald Trump saying that he grabs women by their private parts, and the interviewer, Irin Carmon asked Paris about the comments and she said, “I’ve heard guys say the craziest things ever, because I’m always around guys, and I listen to them speak.”

When asked specifically about the sexual assault allegations made against Trump from several women, Paris said, “I think that they are just trying to get attention and get fame. I feel like a lot of people, when something happens all these opportunists will come out. They want to get money or get paid to not say anything or get a statement when nothing really happened…”



Needless to say, this comment upset many people online who criticized Paris for her views.


Paris also addressed her infamous sex tape, which she says is her one regret in life, “I could have been like that, but because of that tape, I will always be judged and thought of as whatever they say about me because of a private moment between my boyfriend and me.

“I wish I had never met him. That is actually the one regret in my life. I wish that I had never met that guy. I could not leave my house for months. I was so depressed, humiliated. I didn’t want to be seen in public.”

Here is the full Marie Claire interview HERE.

What do you think of Paris’ comments? Let us know below!

Filed under: Donald Trump, Marie Claire, Paris Hilton