Twitter is loving the video of 21-year-old Shaquille interrogating his sisters’s date.




18-year-old couple Owen and Rochelle were headed out for their date when Rochelle’s older brother stopped them to see if Owen is good enough for Rochelle.




In the video you can see Owen playing it cool and answering all of Shaquille’s questions! In a Twitter DM conversation with Sameecards, Shaquille said that, “I like to see myself as some sort of entertainer, so I’m always recording situations like this for my Snapchat etc. for my friends and family to see.I thought Owen passed the brother test with flying colours. My sister definitely picked a good egg.”


Shaquille even updated us with an ‘After The First Date Interview.’ Do you think that Rochelle gives Owen her final rose?


Safe to say that Shaquille is our favourite older brother ever!

Filed under: Dating, Twitter, viral