Steve Hackman, an L.A. based composer, conductor and producer has set out to to creating a symphony of mash-ups that sample both classical and pop music. Steve recruited both ‘classically trained vocalists and musicians’ and has a created a mash-up featuring a 19th century Russian composer by the name of Tchaikovsky and Drake’s ‘Marvin’s Room II’.



Steve says, “All these pieces are reflective of my musical values, which is the idea that whether it’s pop music or classical music intrinsically doesn’t matter – one isn’t better than the other. I’m trying to realize a new musical world that I think we need right now and I think people are interested in and that’s the classical colliding with the pop. If it’s good music, it’s good music.”





And when it comes to bringing Drake’s Marvin’s Room II to life, Steve says, “I like to be faithful to the original classical piece because I want to give people that authentic classical experience but also augment it with all these popular elements.  I retain the original instrumentation and add three singers and some percussion to kick the Drake moments into gear.”



Marvin’s Room was released in 2011 and it’s on the album, Take Care.




Filed under: Drake