It’s almost time for former MLB pitcher Chris Leroux to start his search for love on the new season of The Bachelor Canada (premieres Oct 11, W Network)

The handsome 33-year-old will be greeted by 20 beautiful and accomplished women, all looking for their happily ever after.

So without further ado, let us introduce you to The Bachelor Canada cast:






Home City: Sooke, B.C.

Age: 31

Profession: Nurse

Biggest dating nightmare? That we have no compatibility and no conversation. It’s so painful when I’m the one who has to keep the conversation going the whole time.

What is your pet peeve? Smokers and loud chewers who chew with their mouths open. It actually makes me angry. I have to get up and walk away when I’m around someone who’s doing it.

Crowning achievement to-date? Finishing my nursing degree was pretty big for me. Also, starting over after I called off my wedding, getting back on my feet and becoming more of an independent woman was one of my greatest achievements.






Home City: Vancouver

Age: 35

Profession: Business analyst

What is your favourite childhood memory?Two of my sisters and I learned the dance moves to the entire Madonna “Like a Virgin” concert. My sister Hannah was the manager, and my sister Linda and I were the back-up dancers. We had chairs as props and wore bathrobes. Then my sister Hannah fired us! That’s definitely one of my favourite memories.

Biggest dating nightmare? I think I’m a good judge of whether I have a connection with someone, and my biggest fear is that my date orders dessert and prolongs the night when we’re obviously not connecting. I even jokingly tell guys at the beginning of a date that if I don’t order dessert, it means I’m not into them.

Crowning achievement to-date? I’ve been through a lot of truly toxic relationships, but I’m still able to be vulnerable, open up and trust people again. That’s something I’m really proud of.


Brittany M.




Home City: Calgary

Age: 27 

Profession: Humanitarian/pageant queen

Biggest dating nightmare? Awkward silences. I think that’s why I talk so much.

What is your pet peeve? Someone who is rude and disrespectful to other people, especially to people who are in the service industry like a waitress or taxi driver.

Crowning achievement to date? Being more in control of my mindset. I’m most proud of how far I’ve come since I was a little bit of a troublemaker when I was younger. I wasn’t on the best track, and I’ve done a lot of work on myself to grow into someone that I’m proud of.



Brittany W.




Home City: Surrey, B.C.

Age: 29

Profession: Business owner

What is your favourite childhood memory? Hanging out with my little sisters. We would always play house, and my one sister would always be the mom, the other would always be the baby, but I was always the dad. Even when we went trick-or-treating, I would be a grandpa, and my sisters would be the grandma and the little baby.

Most embarrassing moment? I trip over my own feet when there’s nothing in the way. It’s happened so many times, I don’t even know if I’m embarrassed by it anymore.

What is your pet peeve? If a guy is lazy or super messy. Or doesn’t ask questions about me and only talks about themselves.







Home City: Toronto

Age: 29

Profession: Lawyer/meditation coach

Most embarrassing moment? I don’t really get embarrassed. The times where I personally get embarrassed are if I mess something up at work and should have known better.

Biggest dating nightmare? Getting one-word responses to my questions.

What is your pet peeve? Poor grammar and someone who talks over me.







Home City: Lethbridge, Alta.

Age: 26

Profession: Psychiatric nurse

Biggest fear? Having what-ifs about anything in life.

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your winnings? I would take my entire family to an island for a month to think about all of things we’re going to spend our money on.

Crowning achievement to date? This past year has been a huge year for me—I called off a wedding, bought my first home and lined up my first nursing job. Having the courage to make some of the decisions I’ve had to make is my greatest achievement so far.






Home city: Kitchener, Ont.

Age: 32

Profession: Spray-tan business owner

Most embarrassing moment? Last year, I was walking into a restaurant and slipped and fell on top of someone else’s table. Everything flew everywhere. When I got up, I ran away as fast as I could.

Biggest dating nightmare? The endless back-and-forth that follows “where do you want to eat?”

Crowning achievement to date? The fact that my daughter is healthy and happy. I get told everywhere we go that she’s so well behaved, and that makes me extremely proud.






Home city: Emo, Ont.

Age: 25 

Profession: Youth care practitioner

Biggest dating nightmare? Awkward conversation. I don’t like to go for dinner on dates because I feel like you’re forced to sit there for hours and communicate, whereas if you go hiking or do something adventurous, you have other things to talk about.

What is your pet peeve? I hate when people spell ‘your’ wrong or chew loudly.

Crowning achievement to date? Getting my master’s degree. I barely passed high school, so getting my master’s was a big accomplishment, and it was a really big accomplishment for my parents as well.






Home city: Victoria, B.C.

Age: 29 

Profession: Luxury travel nomad

Biggest dating nightmare To have absolutely nothing in common with my date and have to do an emergency call to get out of it.

What is your pet peeve? I don’t love it when people chew really loudly or ask questions but don’t listen to the answers.

Crowning achievement to date? For somebody my age, I’ve seen and met a lot of different kinds of people that I’ve been able to connect with and I’m really proud of that.






Home city: Baltimore, Ont.

Age: 27

Profession: Automotive financial manager

Most embarrassing moment? Embarrassing stuff happens to me all the time and I’m used to it at this point. I’m super clumsy, I fall wearing high heels and flat shoes.

What is your pet peeve? When my date makes me feel bad for ordering a drink or forgets his wallet.

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your winnings? I would help anyone I know personally who needs it, and I would create more options for youth in small towns to keep them busy and out of trouble.






Home city: St. Catharines, Ont.

Age: 24 

Profession: Mermaid

Biggest fear? Zombie apocalypses, sharks and being cheated on.

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your winnings? I would open a wildlife rehabilitation centre, travel, buy a silicone mermaid tail, and give some to my family.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Married, still working in graphic design, and maybe rehabilitating squirrels.






Home city: Vancouver

Age: 23

Profession: Publicist

Most embarrassing moment? The summer before grade 8, my best friend and I picked up English accents, because we watch Pirates of the Caribbean. When I went into Grade 8, it didn’t go away, so people would ask my siblings if I had gone to boarding school. It was so weird. It’s pretty embarrassing looking back.

Biggest dating nightmare? Being stuck somewhere with someone, feeling like I couldn’t get away.

Crowning achievement to date? Moving to New York when I was 19 for an internship right after university, and being hired after a few months.







Home city: North Bay, Ont.

Age: 33

Profession: Medical Secretary

Most embarrassing moment? I went skinny dipping with an ex, and while we were in the lake, we saw some friends of his on the beach take off with our clothes. I made my ex collect what he could so we had a few things to wear when we did our walk of shame out of there.

Biggest dating nightmare? My biggest fear would be to not find a connection and to walk away empty-handed.

Crowning achievement to date? I am really proud that I was accepted into ballet school. I find dancing so rewarding and very therapeutic.







Home city: Deer Lake, Nfld.

Age: 24

Profession: Waitress

Biggest dating nightmare? Someone who comes on too strongly.

What is your pet peeve? People who eat with their mouths open and have body odour but don’t know they smell. Or if my date stares at his phone the whole time.

Crowning achievement to date? Winning an international beauty pageant. I won Miss Beauty International in the Dominican Republic.







Home city: Winnipeg

Age: 27

Profession: Fashion PR

Biggest dating nightmare? Being stood up.

What is your pet peeve? When the person sitting behind you on a plane pulls on your seat every time they have to get up to go to the washroom. Or if someone licks their fingers while eating.

Crowning achievement to date? Leaving home at 19 and moving to Toronto without knowing anyone. Branching out on my own was a really big thing to do at that age.







Home city: Vancouver

Age: 32

Profession: Performer

Special talent? I’m very intuitive and love connecting with people.

Biggest fear? I don’t know how to swim. I love water, but deep, dark water that I can’t see into scares me.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully married, being an international performer and doing what I love to do. I would like to be in a place where I’m fully living my dreams, feeling fulfilled and happily in love, and also helping and inspiring people.







Home city: Victoria, B.C.

Age: 25

Profession: Restaurant manager

What is your pet peeve? People who chew with their mouth open or talk about money.

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your winnings? Travel. I would also love to buy a house with a yard. 

Crowning achievement to date? I’m really proud of how much I’ve travelled and how hard I worked to have accomplished that. Making the move to Vancouver from Victoria without any family was also a big accomplishment for me.







Home city: Dublin, Ireland

Age: 27

Profession: Executive assistant

Biggest dating nightmare? Awkward silences. I’m a bit of a yapper and I like to fill the silence, so I just end up talking way too much.

What is your pet peeve? When people leave doors open, like cabinet doors in a kitchen, or have no manners.

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your winnings? I would donate a lot of it to people who are less fortunate than I am, and then I would go on a serious shopping spree.







Home city: Toronto

Age: 27

Profession: Aspiring model/actress

Biggest dating nightmare? A guy saying he loves me too quickly. I also think he should pay on a first date.

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your winnings? I would buy a house, get a car and a boat. 

Crowning achievement to date? Meeting celebrities who I thought I would never meet.







Home city: Winnipeg

Age: 31 

Profession: Student

What is your pet peeve? Guys who eat off your plate or drink from your glass. That’s fine, sharing is caring but my biggest pet peeve is when they finish the whole thing.

If you won the lottery, how would you spend your winnings? First things first, I would clear my mom’s financial obligations. Then I would build a school for girls. My mom always made sure that I, as a woman, had the same opportunities as men, and the sky was the limit for me. I want to pass that forward, and the first step to empower women is through education.

Crowning achievement to date? Becoming myself. When I left Winnipeg eight or nine years ago, anything that didn’t fall in line with the social norms or culture was considered weird, so I couldn’t fully be myself and I made a lot of bad decisions. When I left and moved to the west coast, I was accepted for who I was. I felt like I found my tribe.


Filed under: Bachelor Canada, Chris Leroux