Say goodbye to ‘We The North’ because the Toronto Raptors are bringing something new for the 2017/2018 season.

Inspired by the t-shirt slogan, ‘Toronto vs. Everybody’, the Raptors have a new tagline, ‘North Over Everything’.



The Raptors have had their most success in their last two seasons and now being Canada’s only ball team and going into their 23rd season, they came up with a new campaign but a lot of fans are just not feeling it.

‘We The North’ has served as the team’s slogan since 2014 and according to Dave Haggith who is a spokesperson for Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment, which also owns the Raptors, he says that the Raptors are branded as NBA’s ‘northern success story’.


Last season when the Raptors lost to Cleveland, Masai Ujiri who is the team president promised a ‘culture reset’ and a brand new slogan is part of that plan.  The Raptors have also changed up their team roster so it’s only assumed, new lineup and a new slogan equals a better year.


Dave says, “Inspiration from [North Over Everyone] is based on the attitude of the Raptors heading into the season.”  Dave also says that ‘We The North’ will never go away and explains, “We’re trying to be the best Toronto Raptor team that our skill sets allow us to be.”  

Here’s the thing … fans are disappointed in the teams new slogan because they feel ‘We The North’ was more of an inclusive saying however, according to Raptors fans, ‘North Over Everything’ basically implies that we’re superior and everyone else is ‘beneath us’.


See what Toronto is saying below…




Filed under: Toronto Raptors