Katy Perry made all of her Katy Cats’ dreams come true as she brought her “Witness: The Tour” to Toronto for TWO nights of pitch perfect purrfection at the ACC!

Quite honestly, I wasn’t expecting to like it… but, I did! Full disclosure, I am a die-hard Taylor Swift fan, so I came into the concert already having a dislike towards Katy (if your bestie hates someone, then so do you), but throughout the night I was reminded of how many of Katy Perry’s songs were featured in my adolescent soundtrack.

On night one, aka Halloween 2017, the crowd was absolutely crazy, and KP fed their excitement with a surprising amount of noteworthy audience interactions. Despite night two not being Halloween, there was still no shortage of costumes and excitement. Besides, everyone was still sugared up from Halloween candy from the night before as KP cheekily noted.

Katy’s set list included many throwbacks (‘Part of Me‘, ‘E.T‘, and ‘Roar‘ to name a few), which appeased long-time Katy Cats, and she performed about half of the songs off her new album, Witness, which was released back in June.




Katy’s stage was essentially a large eye with a runway shaped like a long tear… but, no one was crying tonight. Throughout the concert, many props were added for various songs, which was a nice change from the usual stationary set most artists tend to have. For example, during ‘I Kissed a Girl’ (the song her mother “wished she didn’t write”), she had a very large (and slightly terrifying) set of lips that would open to reveal her singing while dangling from the ceiling.

Another theme throughout her concert was the idea of space. During ‘Thinking of You‘ from one of her first albums, One of the Boys, she was singing atop a floating planet that circled other planets suspended from the ceiling. That song brought back major high school memories!


Katy Perry performs during night #1 of Witness The Tour at the ACC in Toronto. Damnit Maurie/KiSS 92.5
Katy Perry performs during night #1 of Witness The Tour at the ACC in Toronto. Damnit Maurie/KiSS 92.5


At night one, Katy Perry mentioned during the concert that she NEVER went Trick-or-treating as a child, so she “spent the rest of her life dressing up”… and, so did the crowd!

In true Halloween spirit, Katy Perry posted an Instagram photo encouraging her fans to dress up like her for a chance to get picked to meet her after the concert. Throughout the show, she had the lighting technicians turn the lights “all the way up”, so she could see all the costumes. Unlike other celebrities that would stick to picking people close to the 100 levels, she picked people from the upper 100’s and 300’s! At one point during the show, she picked a family from the upper 100 level, and asked them to join her on stage!



As part of her set, Katy calls her mom on a 5 –foot telephone, and this was no different. On night one, the five minute phone call revolved around Halloween, with Katy asking her mom if she will be handing out Bibles to trick-or-treaters (Katy was raised in a very religious household). Just when you thought the phone call may have been scripted or pre-recorded, Katy Perry again has a phone call with her mom on night two. This time, her mom cracked a few jokes about Canadians (she may or may not have taken a playful jab at the Toronto Maple Leafs!).

One of the most unique moments happened during her most recent hit ‘Swish Swish‘. She scanned the audience for a dad. Yes, specifically a man with “lots of kids.” Some how Katy managed to pick a lucky dad from Mississauga – both nights –  where she challenged them to a basketball faceoff on stage. While Katy may have won over our hearts both nights, she did loose in shooting hoops with both dads!



Katy closed out the show with her classic ‘Firework‘, which everyone loved and belted at the top of their lungs (myself included).

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed night one AND two of Katy Perry’s concert experience!

Everything we witnessed during both TO shows of “Witness: The Tour”, made us ‘Roar’ and love her even more ‘Unconditionally’ than before!


Filed under: ACC, Concert, Firework, Katy Cats, Katy Perry, Toronto, Witness