Demi Lovato and Jesse Williams star in Demi’s brand new (and in my opinion, her best) music video for ‘Tell Me You Love Me’.


The video, directed by Mark Pellignton, begins with a short clip of the two getting engaged, followed by a very steamy celebration, all before problems between Demi and Jesse start to rise due to jealousy and well, it starts to threaten their relationship and both head down a very, bumpy road … right to the altar.


Demi, dressed in a white veil with a Lazaro-lace gown, walks down the aisle in a Southern-style outdoor wedding.  During the video, we see shots between the wedding day, Demi belting out the song in various locations and the love / hate relationship between Jesse and Demi.


Demi says, “This song is one of my favourites which is why I named my album after it. I not only love singing it but I think the underlying meaning is important for people to know. At the end of the day you have everything you need standing right in front of you. And that’s yourself.”



According to Demi, she says that the ‘extras’ that were in her music video will more than likely attend her wedding … one day, “We had a full-on wedding and my best friends were even my bridesmaids and groomsmen. The locations were absolutely beautiful. It was perfect and I’m so excited to show everyone!”



It was only a week ago that Demi began to tease fans on social media by posting wedding shots and mini clips from the video on her Instagram and Twitter page.  Demi even posted a fake, but ALMOST convincing ‘save-the-date’ announcement, letting her fans know when and where the video will drop.


And check out some other teases that Demi posted on social media, leading up to the big day BELOW:

Filed under: Demi Lovato, Jesse Williams