There’s no argument here … Mean Girls is probably one of the best films EVER! Okay, maybe not EVER but in girl world, it definitely is!


How could we forget … burn books, Jingle Bell Rock, word vomit and FETCH!!!


And so you ask yourself, how could this movie get any better? That answer to that would’ve been easy enough to answer UNTIL this deleted scene made its way to YouTube … a hilarious scene that shows how genius Damian really is.



Damian, who is known to be Janis’ sidekick, clearly wants revenge on the Plastics but for him, it’s all for the fun & games.  In this deleted scene, we see Damian sneak into the school cafeteria where he so happily unscrews a table … with the intention of humiliating Regina George but don’t worry, Cady is there to help, too!


One tiny problem … as Regina is just about to sit down, she get’s sidetracked by her boyfriend, Aaron Samuels.  Instead, Karen takes a seat and … well, a big mess (orchestrated by Cady) is making its way down the table and falls into her lap.


Regina does what she knows best … points and laugh!


Guess that wasn’t so fetch after all!



And since Christmas is just a few weeks away, let’s enjoy Santa’s Helpers perform Jingle Bell Rock!!


Filed under: Mean Girls