During his halftime performance at the Super Bowl last night, Justin Timberlake did a lot on stage—he sang, he danced, he was accompanied by some pretty flashy background dancers, and more—but it was what he did off stage that changed 13-year old Ryan McKenna’s life.

If you don’t recognize that name, it’s probably because you know McKenna as #SelfieKid, a.k.a. the young boy who gave the camera total deer-in-the-headlights when Timberlake ran up into the seats and performed next to him. McKenna’s reaction—a mixture of utter shock and fumbling for his phone—was an instant hit, with dozens of memes popping up almost instantaneously.

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The Roz & Mocha Show

#RozAndMocha Chat With The #SelfieKid From The #SuperBowl!

Originally Aired: February 5, 2018

Somehow, some way, our own Damnit Maurie found McKenna, a 7th grader at Derby Academy in Hingham, Massachusetts, and Roz & Mocha interviewed him on air this morning.

The results were, unsurprisingly, hilarious.

Don’t worry—McKenna knew who Justin Timberlake was when the celeb jogged up to him mid-performance. “My phone turned off, and I was trying to get a selfie with him, so I had to pull out my phone to get the selfie—it was just, like, in the moment, that’s why I was on my phone,” McKenna told Roz & Mocha. Thankfully, he managed to take 10 photos with Timberlake before he headed back to the stage.

According to the 13-year old, “it’s just been crazy” since he unexpectedly showed up on international television.







Filed under: Justin Timberlake