We did this crazy contest a few weeks ago: if you win, you can pick EITHER tickets to see a show on Justin Timberlake’s Man of the Woods tour or a trip to Timberlake, Ohio—a town so small that there isn’t any lodging for out-of-town folk.

The choice seems obvious… doesn’t it?

Not to Jason. Jason blew our minds by picking the trip to Timberlake, a town so small even the mayor admits there isn’t much to do. 

Alas, Jason had a great trip and he documented the whole thing.




When he got home, he gave Brooksy a call to tell her about his trip. Here’s what he had to say.

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Instead of Seeing Justin Timberlake, This Guy Went To Timberlake, Ohio

Originally Aired: April 16, 2018

Filed under: Justin Timberlake