And just like that – Alessia Cara drops a brand new music video for her latest single, ‘Growing Pains’ which is A-MAZ-ING!!




Alessia explains, “The song is about going through the motions everyday and wanting to be happy and find happy moments, but ultimately going to bed at night and just feeling really down for no particular reason or not being able to pinpoint the reason.”




In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, when asked if the song writing process was based on a specific moment or based on built up emotions over time, Alessia says, “Definitely built up over time. I’m the type of person who always suppresses everything, especially because everything was going so well for me in my career. I thought I had to suppress it, it because if I didn’t then I would be ungrateful. Of course that’s not the case, but when you’re in it and you have people telling you how lucky you are and how many people would kill to be in your position, you just think, “Okay, I’m not allowed to be feeling this right now. I need to suppress it.”





Alessia continues, “And so I did for a very long time until I just couldn’t anymore. [With “Growing Pains”], I realized like it’s not just about writing songs for an album anymore, I am writing because I have to. It turned into the album, which I think is a way better way to create a piece of work, when it just happens. Every song that I wrote on this thing, I wrote because I felt like I needed to.”





And did you know that one of Alessia’s songs from her upcoming album was actually inspired by a speech Jim Carrey made? Alessia explains, “There’s one song in particular that I wrote after watching a Jim Carrey interview, which is really weird but the things that he was saying were so weird and amazingly smart and philosophical that I wrote a song about it.”


And what interview is Alessia referring to you may ask? “Remember when he played Andy Kaufman in that movie? There’s a movie on Netflix where they document the behind-the-scenes of that movie, and he does interviews throughout that whole documentary.” – Alessia


Check it out for yourself below!




‘Growing Pains’ is off of her upcoming sophomore album and unfortunately, there is no release date of as of yet – all we know … it’ll be out later this year.  Until then, this will be me … patiently waiting …



Filed under: Alessia Cara