It’s Khloe Kardashian against the internet!


It looks as though internet trolls have been leaving some nasty comments about daughter True’s SKIN COLOUR … yes, her skin colour!


Earlier this week, Khloe took the time to tweet her thoughts on internet trolls who leave comments but when she responds, they delete their posts.  Khloe tweeted, “I dislike the fact that people are allowed to comment on my daughter’s skin colour but as soon as I comment kindly back and praise her for all that she is, the comment gets erased.  If you have the courage to post your nasty criticism please allow one to defend or comment back.”


Khloe continues, “I try to put myself in their shoes and maybe they were brought up in a different type of household then I was.  So instead of shaming I try to educate.  In our household we do not see colour.  We see emotion and action.  We see love.  We feed off of energy.”



And in a response tweet Khloe expresses, “We need to learn to praise all skin tones / ethnicities.  Our beauty is in our differences.  We can learn so much! So proud of every human who is confident in who they are.  I’m in my 30s I think I’m just finding this confidence.  So I’m patient with others.  But allow me to voice mine.”



And this is isn’t the first time Khloe had to clap back at a troll.  Back in July, a Twitter user tweeted that her daughter True was not cute at all.  Khloe defended her daughter and tweeted, “What self-respecting adult would even comment on a child’s appearance? What type of disgusting human being are you?  It’s pathetic that you are this miserable in life.”


So what sparked all of the meanness? Kim Kardashian posted a pictures last week on Instagram with True, Chicago and Stormi.  Although all three babies are of mixed race, trolls began to pick on True because her complexion is darker than her cousins.


I may not be the Kardashian’s biggest fan but NO MOTHER should have to deal with such negativity especially if a baby is involved.  I have to admit – Khloe handed herself like a pro!

Filed under: Khloe Kardashian