A Roz and Mocha fan named Katherine, called into the show and let it be known right away that Roz was her favourite, but she also had a particular request: that guys do another ‘Science with Maurie’ segment.

If you’re unfamiliar with this part of the show, this is where the guys give Maurie scientific and medical terminology and he takes a crack at stating it’s meaning.

Today, Maurie was tasked with defining the terms: ARSOLE, RADICLE, NOCTURNAL ENURESIS, SEA PUSS, MASTICATION, & SPHENOPALATINE GANGLIONEURALGIA (that last one is a real thing).

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The Roz & Mocha Show

Roz And Mocha: Maybe We'll Learn Something With "Science With Maurie"!

Originally Aired: October 2, 2018

Filed under: roz and mocha, Science