As you may have heard, Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson broke up.

If you haven’t heard for some reason…I’ll give you a second to take that in. Sad, I know. How could they??


Well, according to TMZ they barely had anything planned for the wedding! Regardless of the ring, TMZ said that they seemed to know the marriage wasn’t in the cards, there was no date set, no venue picked, no wedding dress shopping…literally nothing was being planned out!

They both seem to be trying their best to deal with the break up. Ariana is focusing on her work, and Pete is making jokes that he’s looking for a roommate.

Looks like getting back together doesn’t look very likely for them.

Honestly, I just hope Piggy Smallz is coping with this whole thing and I hope he’s still getting the attention he deserves, because he’s a good boy.

Filed under: Ariana Grande, Pete Davdison