2018 is getting wild.

Burger King is out here feuding with Kanye West on Twitter and it’s absolutely hilarious!

So, Kanye West randomly decided to Tweet, “McDonald’s is my favorite restaurant.” ‘Cause, well…Kanye just being Kanye…




Well, Burger King threw some major shade at that and wrote back saying, “eyes still closed I guess” LOL, no chill.



But, it gets better – Burger King UK had an even bigger clap back. They responded to that saying, “Explains a lot.” Hahaha, straight savage.



And then there’s Wendy’s…. they responded back to Kanye with, “I’m my favourite restaurant.” …You guys tried, but Burger King had the best clapback of all time.



So uh, Kanye… your move.

Filed under: Burger King, Kanye West