Mark Wahlberg is a BEAST in the gym!  The man is 47-years old and still to this day, looks too good!


During a visit on The Ellen Show, Mark went into detail about his hard core workout routine.  Mark explained to Ellen that he uses a Cryo chamber that’s 150 degrees below zero and says, “I’m telling you, it is great for recovery, and it just takes all the inflammation out of your body, it helps you sleep good.”



Mark then posted this video on Instagram, where he told fans that he took two days off from working out and relaxed his body.


THEN, he posted his daily schedule (which went viral).  The schedule shows that Mark has a 2:30AM wakeup call followed by prayer time, breakfast at 3:15AM and then hits the gym from 3:40AM to 5:15AM.  Told you, SERIOUS business.


Well funny man and host of The Late Late Show, James Corden decided to join Mark during his 4AM workouts, which Mark calls ‘The 4 a.m. Club” for anyone who takes part.  James woke at 2:25AM, so NOT ready to workout and met Mark in his home gym, praying he would cancel #LOL.  Mark then asked James, “Isn’t it nice and peaceful, though, when you get up (early)?” And in true James fashion, he responded with, “I was more peaceful when I was flat-out asleep.  I was completely peaceful.”


Once the workout got started, James and Mark did some stretching.  James explains, “I don’t even know if I’m still awake or if this some sort of weird dream.”  So why does Mark stay so fit? “When the girls get older, the boys start coming over, ringing the bell.  You gotta be ready!  There’s a whole other fight in front of you.”


Either way, it was the most hilarious workout I’ve ever seen!

Filed under: James Corden, Mark Wahlberg, The Late Late Show With James Corden