Hailey Baldwin-Bieber, who’s now married to our boy Justin Bieber has been doing her own thing, and trying to live her best life.

But all the attention she’s been getting after all the PDA with Justin Bieber has been getting to her. Trolls have been judging her every move. and she’s over it.

She posted a long message on her Instagram story writing:

“It’s hard to focus on your well being and mental health when each time you open Instagram someone is tearing apart your job, your relationship, or essentially any of the things in your life that are positive. I just don’t believe we’re called to live a life where we’re so easily caught up in strangers opinions on something they have NOTHING to do with. We need to take a step back and realize we need to express more love and encouragement to one another instead of consistently tearing people down and judging. And I won’t let people make me feel like I’m doing something wrong by enjoying my life and being happy. being off of Instagram is the best thing ever. Whenever I take breaks from it I feel so much better so much happy as a person.. the second i come back on I get immediate anxiety, I get sad and I get worked up…the negativity screams so loud.”




Girl has a point. And guaranteed she’s not alone on this. Can’t we all just be a little bit nicer please?

Filed under: Hailey Baldwin