Miley Cyrus celebrated Liam Hemsworth’s 29th birthday in the most sweetest, most heartfelt, most real way I’ve seen in a very long time.  Miley posted a love letter to her husband, detailing everything she loves about him.  Let’s just say – both Miley and Liam are just as in love, if not more now than when they first met 10 years ago!



Miley writes, “When we met, you were 19.  Today, you are 29.  I thought I could share some of my favourite things about my favourite dude in honour of this very special day.  The way you look at me.  The way you look at me.  The way you look at our dogs, our pigs, our horses, our cats, our fish.  The way you look at your family.  You friends.  At strangers.  At life.  The way you look at the ocean and the way you always take your time.  The way you go outside when I ask, “What’s the weather like?” instead of checking your phone.  The look on your face when you receive good news and how look AT the bad news.  I love how you always try things your way, but are never to proud to ask for help.  The way you paint, the colours you choose.”


Miley continues, “I love your dirty socks on the floor because that means YOU’RE HOME.  I love when you introduce me to a new band, so when you’re away I can listen and it feels like you’re here.  I love watching ‘The Sandlot’ with you.  I love laying in bed late at night looking for new recipes, only going to sleep so we can wake up and make breakfast together while having a hot cup of coffee.  I love those little lines around your eyes when you laugh or look into the sun.  I love the way we speak in our own language.  Sometimes with just a look.  I love laying on the couch eating Chinese when you’re hung over from the night before.  I love going to a random party and remembering basically everyone is fake AF out here and how lucky I am to share a life with someone so REAL.  I love the way you always listen and the way that you care.  I love having a teeth brushin’ partner and when I’m lazy how you’ll comb my hair.  I even love when your shrink my favourite t-shirt in the dryer – because having a boyfriend (oh em gee I almost forgot you’re my friggen husband now) that does laundry is pretty much the best thing ever.  I love taking turns and sharing with you.  I love taking long drives, sometimes going nowhere.  I love how you’ll sit and listen to my pluck out a new tune on the guitar for hours.  I love the way you mumble out loud when you read a new script or book.  I love how you learn and grow.  I love writing songs about you on the piano.  I love how you let ME be ME.”


And lastly, “Put simply, I love YOU.  Unconditionally.  In our time together you have displayed what it really means to love through all circumstances.  I respect you and you respect me.  If the world had more of this type of understanding, we wouldn’t be building more walls but bridges.  I’m proud of the person you have become and look forward to all the good we will contribute together in the future.  You and me baby.  Let’s take this dark place head on and shine through with the light of L.O.V.E.”


And check out this super adorable throwback aka ’10 Year Challenge’ photo Miley posted on Instagram from ‘The Last Song’ days.


Filed under: Liam Hemsworth, Miley Cyrus