It looks like the Toronto Blue Jays are being asked to do less of this …



And more of this …



For the upcoming season, the Jays’ manager Charlie Montoyo has reinforced a new clubhouse ‘video game’ curfew.  I wish I was making this up but NOPE – looks as though the Blue Jays have been playing a little too much Fortnite.  According to writer John Lott, he tweeted, “Blue Jays to impose pre-game curfew on playing video games in clubhouse this season, manager Charlie Montoyo says.  Some players suggested there was too much Fortnite last year.”



As of right now, there is no concrete cutoff time.  Charlie did however mention it could be 6PM but as for now, that’s all up in the air.  Charlie explains, “We’re going to play less, I know that.  We’ve got a rule. We already met with all the players, and there’s not going to be that many people playing video games.  It’s not my rule, it’s our clubhouse rule. Whatever that time is that we decide, that’s when everybody’s going to stop playing those games and get ready for the game.”


Charlie continued, “It came up from the players.  When I met with 10 of our players about rules and stuff, that one came up. Some guys said (there was too much). I thought it was a good idea to have a time when it stops.  It happens.  People like playing games.” 


And this isn’t the first time Fortnite has affected team players.  Last September, the Philadelphia Phillies were on a solid losing stream and first basemen Carlos Santana felt the need to send a strong message to his teammates so he grabbed a bat and smashed their TV.  Carlos explained to ESPN,  “I see a couple players — I don’t want to say names — they play video games during the game.  We come and lose too many games, and I feel like they weren’t worried about it. Weren’t respecting their teammates or coaches or the staff or the [front] office. It’s not my personality. But I’m angry because I want to make it good.”


Filed under: fortnite, Toronto Blue Jays