Do you remember your first kiss? Was it a hella awkward moment between you and that person you had a crush on for so long?



Recently, on stage, Billie Eilish told the cringe worthy story of her first kiss. She said,“So we went to the roof, we sat there and we kissed!”

So far, it sounds pretty romantic… until she added, “Right after we kissed he says ‘Wow! That was really not as magical…as I thought it’d be.'”

Now, Billie Eilish fans have found the guy on Instagram and let him know, playfully, how disappointed they are in him.

Comments like:

“?I bet if u knew all this would happen…u wouldn’t have said that to Billie”

“Wow, Henry Whitford is not as magical at all as I thought!!!! You kissed a legend!!”


Filed under: Billie Eilish, First Kiss