The author behind the Twilight series has officially added a fifth novel to the collection – Midnight Sun, which will be a story told from Edward Cullen’s perspective.

Author Stephanie Meyer announced the exciting news through her website, and hopes to bring happiness to Twilight fans, worldwide.  Stephanie wrote, “I don’t know how everyone else is coping, but right now books are my main solace and happiest escape.  Working on a book for more than thirteen years is a strange experience. I’m not the same person I was then. My children have all grown up. My back got weird. The world is a different place. I can only imagine all the things that have changed for you. But completing Midnight Sun has brought back to me those early days of Twilight when I first met many of you. We had a lot of fun, didn’t we? Throwing proms and hanging out in hotel rooms and reading on the beach (while getting the most epic sunburns of our lives).”


According to USA Today, Stephanie shares, “It’s definitely darker, and I would say more desperate.  The stakes are way higher from (Edward’s) perspective … I think people are not going to maybe have anticipated what Edward was thinking and doing … I don’t know if it will be the Edward that they imagined,.  I think it might be Edward that’s a lot different than that.”

Filed under: Stephanie Meyers, Twilight