If you’re a post-secondary student in university, who also LOVES Taylor Swift, you might need to calm down after this announcement:


Queen’s University in Kingston has announced a course titled Taylor Swift’s Literal Legacy (Taylor’s Version).




Beginning in Fall 2022: the course will examine Taylor’s music and lyrical references to popular books, plus her impact on culture and society. Reading material will include her song lyrics, and independent homework involves studying her music videos, as well as movies.

Check out the full course description here: https://www.queensu.ca/english/undergraduate/courses/engl-294



Course professor Meghan Burry said about teaching Taylor Swift’s Literal Legacy (Taylor’s Version) “I think Taylor Swift has struggled to be taken seriously, and a literary course on her is long overdue”.


This marks the second time a major pop music star is the theme of a university course in Canada. Last year: Toronto Metropolitan University announced a course titled Deconstructing Drake & The Weeknd, which will begin in Winter 2022.



Filed under: Queens University, Taylor Swift, Taylor University