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You can now use Emoji’s to order PIZZA! Yes, you read that right… Domino’s just became the best pizza place ever and life just became so much easier!

To make our lives a lot easier, Pizza joints created online ordering, but now it’s gotten even EASIER! We can now order Domino’s Pizza by tweeting the pizza Emoji…


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Our pizza prayers have FINALLY been answered! We don’t actually have to call anymore! We avoid human interaction! Yes! All you have to do is set up an Easy Order account, register your twitter handle, and then use the pizza emoji to form a pizza:

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Once you’ve done that, just tweet that to Domino’s and they will DM you to confirm your order. One word… AMAZING!

But, the only problem is that it’s currently only available in the USA… C’mon Canada, step up your game! We DESERVE this too!







(Images via Twitter)