
Admit it. Those fluffy, warm, garlicky loaves of joy are the real reason you or anyone actually goes to Olive Garden. Now they’re trying to breadstick their way back into our hearts with a new sandwich!!

The Italian food chain has revealed its brand new sandwich, featuring those beloved breadsticks. Introducing…..

 ~ ~ ~ The Breadstick Bun Sandwich!!! ~ ~ ~


Olive Garden Breadstick Sandwiches




This new gooey, parmesan sandwich will be featured on menus next month! It will come in two varieties: meatball and chicken parm.




And in case you were wondering…YES, the breadstick sandwich will come with unlimited breadsticks on the side!!

My mouth is watering just thinking about it…




You know where to find me next month!!



(Images via bonnie, Ben Geier)