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We all know that the only thing McDonalds is good for is increasing your cholesterol levels and if you ever have a craving for greasy goodness. Now they’re trying to make you feel less bad about eating there… with Kale.

Every year it seems like McDonalds is always trying something new to make their food seem a little less unhealthy. But all of us have realized that regardless of what you order, besides water, it will contain something that is bad for you. Well now McDonalds is trying out a new recipe for their salads and the main ingredient will be Kale. You can feel less guilty now while you’re eating their new and improved Caesar, Greek, and Harvest Green salads.




Let’s be real, even though it’s salad, McDonalds will still be able to ruin it by drowning the salads with dressing that has enough calories to be considered a meal on it’s own. Nice try though McDonalds, A for effort…




Try it while it lasts! The new salads might not be around for long though…




(Images via Tumblr, SwoonWorthy, McDonalds)