Screen Shot 2015-05-11 at 3Photographer Cate DePrisco wants you to be able to see what it’s like to give birth (in a NON-graphic way). It’s actually kind of cool if you think about it!

Cate DePrisco wanted to start taking pictures in a completely different way and allow her Instagram followers to see the delivery process of a baby. The photographer wanted people to get an inside look of all things baby and take baby pictures to a whole new level! Cat would be taking intimate photos with the parents and family members and then she would post the pictures (with the parents consent) on Instagram. The pictures show moments like when a mom-to-be’s water breaks, when family members are anxiously waiting for the baby to be born, and every moment before and after the birth.


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Cate DePrisco also has her own website where she posts all of the baby pictures she takes and you can check them out at instabirthstory.comThe photos are super sweet and they give you a glimpse of what it’s like to become a family.


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Would you let someone take pictures of you during that personal time AND let the pictures be posted on Instagram? It wouldn’t be the craziest thing!




(Images via Instagram)