Let the Avril Lavigne conspiracy theories continue!

A Twitter thread has surfaced, comparing 2003 Avril to 2014 Avril! We have heard the most popular conspiracy theory about Avril dying back in 2003 and being replaced by a doppelgänger…well, its resurfaced!

Twitter is determined to prove it that Avril has been replaced!




Mashable helps to break down the conspirarcy for us “Lavigne was upset by either her parents’ divorce or her grandfather’s death, depending on who is typing furiously into the void. That, combined with the mounting pressures of fame, prompted Lavigne to take her own life.”  Mashable even points out how strange it was when “Lavigne was at the grocery store buying cheese when she was supposedly immobile due to her struggle with Lyme disease.” 




The Twitter detectives are determined to figure it out…




They even compared her handwriting…




What is the truth!?!?!?!


Filed under: Avril Lavigne