
Where can you find the hottest guys and girls in the world? The website Miss Travel released the results of its annual Sexiest Nationalities survey, which ranks the dating preferences of 44,873 men and 66,309 women – listen as Roz and Mocha run down the list while Damnit Maurie does the accents

Here are the 10 nationalities that guys find hottest when it comes to women:


  1. Armenian
  2. Barbadian
  3. American
  4. Colombian
  5. English
  6. Australian
  7. Brazilian
  8. Filipina
  9. Bulgarian
  10. Lebanese


And here are the 10 nationalities that women find hottest when it comes to men:


  1. Irish
  2. Australian
  3. Pakistani
  4. American
  5. English
  6. Scottish
  7. Italian
  8. Nigerian
  9. Danish
  10. Spanish