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Oh SNAP! Someone get popcorn, this is gunna be good.

In one corner!!! Current heartthrob and member of One Direction, standing 1.7 meters tall and weighing in at 150 pounds, LOUIS TOMLINSON!!!

In the other corner!!! Post heartthrob and ex-member of One Direction, standing 1.7 meters weighting in at 154 pounds, ZAYN MALIK!!!






You get the point. Zayn and Louis have gotten into a little rumble on Twitter!!! After Zayn posted this amazing MacBook quality photo of himself and producer Naughty Boy:


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Louis snapped back with this:


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Because that’s completely true. BUT then Naughty Boy replied:


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But there’s MORE. Louis replied with this:


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And that’s when Zayn chimes in:


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Yikes!! We guess this means Zayn leaving One D wasn’t so friendly after all.






(Images via Twitter, Yahoo)