better sign


As if public washrooms couldn’t get any more nasty. This bathroom in a Chicago bar has brought gross in its own unique way!

As a Halloween gag, the Chicago bar, Cigars and Stripes, placed a TWO-WAY mirror in the women’s washroom. But it’s still there, and there it will stay!!


For those of you confused about this two-way business, we’ll explain. There is a mirror located in the stall, right above the toilet. Here’s the thing, THE MIRROR IS ACTUALLY A DOOR IN DISGUISE!!!





The “mirror” – actually a door – opens to a utility closet, with an opening in the back. So anyone who looks in there basically gets a FULL view of the toilet…and whoever is on it!!!




This gives a whole new meaning to a “peeping tom.”

I don’t know about you, but that’s pretty gross….





(Images via Glogger)