Even though Katy Perry collaborated on ‘Feels’ with Calvin Harris, the feelings were not always mutual between the two artists.

Katy and Calvin had a falling out around the same time Katy had her own feud with ex-girlfriend, Taylor Swift.

When talking with Ryan Seacrest on his On Air with Ryan Seacrest show, Katy says, “We’d had little falling outs here and there. We’d had some public Twitter spats … Eight years or so had passed. It was time to put all that behind us.”

Back in 2011, Katy and Calvin exchanged some words on Twitter shortly after Calvin pulled out of Katy’s U.K. tour dates. Plus, Katy ended up responding to drama that was between Calvin and ex-girlfriend Taylor Swift regarding the last track they worked on together, which was ‘This is What You Came For’.


Katy Perry and Calvin Harris


And now, eight years later, the resolution:  “We just bumped into each other and he said, ‘I think I have a song that maybe you should come check out.  I was like, ‘Cool,’ because we had always meant to work together for years and years and years.  I came to the studio and he played me a bunch of unfinished but really solid moments for his new record. Then he played me this one part for this new song called ‘Feels’ and I was like, ‘Oh yeah.’ This is like my favourite song off the record. I was just down to do it.”

Glad they were able to work things out!!!





Filed under: Calvin Harris, Katy Perry