Del Tura Reperatory Company / Slideshare
Del Tura Reperatory Company / Slideshare

A list compiled by The Del Tura Repertory Company outlines how the world has changed since 1915. While some of the list is being questioned, it gives an interesting look into the world of 100 years ago.

The basic premise of the list is that its pretty sweet to be living in 2016 and not 1915. Things like only 6% of people graduating high school and a considerably lower life expectancy make you really appreciate not living out the prime of your life 100 years ago. The list was created by a theatre group in Del Tura, Florida, and went viral after being posted on Slideshare. Check it out:


Del Tura Reperatory Company / Slideshare
Del Tura Reperatory Company / Slideshare

