umbrellaYou’re at a restaurant chowing down. It starts raining. You pay the bill are set to leave BUT you forgot your umbrella in the car. Don’t worry, there is cure!There are hundreds of things we forget in all kinds of places. Umbrellas, however, are no longer a member of that list. A startup out of New York called Davek is here to save the day! Davek has a reputation for making durable umbrellas, but their latest project will ensure you never forget it!


How is that possible, you ask? Bluetooth! The new umbrellas have a Bluetooth chip in the base that will notify when you leave it behind! Not only will you get an unforgettable umbrella, but it will also as durable as Davek’s umbrellas usually are. The Davek Alert Umbrella will be available in classic black or royal blue.  The umbrella will work with Android and iOS devices!


For now, you can get it for $99 on their Kickstarter, but come April 12, the price gets jacked up to the regular $125. The project has already raised over $26,000 of its $50,000 goal and ends April 12. Check out their Kickstarter video below:




(Images via Youtube/Davek Umbrellas)