You’re welcome.

This might just be the best study ever for some people. Researchers at UCLA found that there is no correlation between porn and erectile dysfunction. This means that watching porn WON’T lead to a bad sex life. Again, you’re welcome.


The writers of the research paper Journal of Sexual Medicine, Nicole Prause and James Pfaus, conducted an experiment with 280 individuals. The subjects who watched over 2 hours of porn each week had a stronger sex drive and a bigger desire to get physical with their partners. Researchers wrote “[Visual sexual stimuli] use within the range of hours tested is unlikely to negatively impact sexual functioning, given that responses actually were stronger in those who viewed more VSS.”


The conclusion of the experiment reveals that watching porn is a good indicator of a well maintained sex-life.


Aaaaand we can probably guess what a few of you are about to do now…





(Images via Johan Viirokreplygif)