It’s not that hard to put two and two together: being high feels great, and so does getting intimate. Rolling them together seems like a no-brainer. But what does weed actually do to your bod to make banging your boo so damned nice?

“Our bodies are already predisposed to utilize cannabis[…] with receptors that cannabis connects to,” said Dr. Tanny Raz, who works at the Toronto-based Apollo Cannabis Clinic. “Cannabinoids are a class of compounds that act on the cannabinoid receptors in our bodies.” This all takes place in our body’s endocannabinoid system, which partially helps regulate our mood, our pain, stress-, sleep, and more. The system and it’s different types of receptors are located all over our bodies.

While this sounds relatively simple, the science is “constantly changing and evolving,” said Bryan Hendin, the president of Apollo Applied Research. Clinical trials are Apollo’s primary focus, with Hendin and team conducting leading research around chronic pain and PTSD, but they also utilize an evidence-based approach to treating chronic pain with medical cannabis. This means ongoing education, support, and monitoring for all patients treating issues with medical marijuana. “Today, we believe that CB1 receptors are located primarily in the brain and is that which THC (a.k.a. tetrahydrocannabinol, the chemical compound in cannabis responsible for a euphoric high) works off of, which is why the euphoria effect is so strong when using THC.”

If Hendin’s fancy science got confusing, here are the basics: There are different kinds of receptors throughout your body, and they interact with different kinds of chemical compounds, which vary from strain to strain. The reason there is euphoria when you smoke THC-dominant strains of weed is because the THC directly hits the CB1 receptors, which are primarily located in our brains (science *thinks*). CBD (cannabidiol, another cannabis compound) is often relatively non – psychoactive, compared to THC. This is why users reach for CBD-dominant strains to deal with probs such as inflammation, pain and anxiety, but not for the euphoric high most often associated with weed.

“How receptive you are to cannabis is very individual,” Hendin said. If someone’s suffering from anxiety or stress, and their sex is being affected by that, then obvi cannabis will improve their sex life. “But we’re also finding that […] it’s working wonders for endometriosis or menstrual cramps,” said Dr. Raz. “If these are conditions preventing intimacy, then cannabis can definitely help.”

“Cannabis in general is reported to heighten senses,” Dr. Raz explained. ” Intimacy is a flow of energy, and when cannabis is combined with it, it helps that energy flow a lot more smoothly.”

There you have it—even science says weed can take your nooky from drab to fab. Whether it’s finding the drive to hop on top or simply being more relaxed and present, cannabis can help with it all. So, why aren’t more women talking about this (slash trying it out)?!

It could have something to do with the way pharmaceutical companies continue to treat the perceived differences in libido between men and women (*eyeroll*). In the United States, “there are 26 FDA-approved drugs for men’s sexual health and there’s one for women,” said April Pride, founder and CCO of Van der Pop, a Seattle-based company which strives to “create and curate cannabis experiences for the modern woman.”

That’s not to say women aren’t down to light up and get cozy. In the last few months, the Van der Pop team surveyed 1,500 women across North America about all things weed, and 11 percent of women who currently use weed do so as a sexual aid. Of those who don’t use regularly use weed, roughly 35 percent want to learn more about how it can be used to make sex better.

“All I know is I know a lot of women who would be really into an awesome drug for sex,” Pride said. Weed sounds like the perfect fit, non?

Antuanette Gomez—creator of Pleasure Peaks, an international speaker on tantric sex, cannabis and psychedelics, and an advocate for women’s Rights and sexual oppression—says “heck ya” to that proposition. “Cannabis is so complimentary towards tantra since cannabis is known for getting rid of the social anxieties,” Gomez said. “It’s a great way to connect with your partner on a more intimate level.”

Tantra is a Sanskrit word for “woven together,” and Gomez encourages people to use cannabis as a way to enlighten and intensify your connection during sex. “Products now can be infused and extracted, so we’re starting to see a lot of new ways to enjoy cannabis in the bedroom. I personally enjoy vaping and a good cannabis-infused massage oil,” she says.

Gomez believes journalling is the trick to optimizing the pleasure you feel during your high no-pants dance. “There is so much power in knowing what strains work best for you. Knowing the strain names will give you a better feel of the genetics of the plants, [so you are able] to know what type of effect to expect.”

All this to say, if you’re struggling with any aspect of sex rn (whether it be pain, anxiety or lack of libido), you should give cannabis a try—it’s high time we ditch the taboos.

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The post Why Science Says Weed Can Improve Your Sex Life appeared first on Flare.

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