Mandy Teefey has spoken out about trying to get her daughter, Selena Gomez, to not work with Woody Allen.

Selena is in his new movie, “Rainy Day in New York”.

The controversy comes from the allegations against Woody Allen of sexual assault against a child that go back years but he’s never been convicted of.

In light of #MeToo and #TimesUp, some are wanting Selena to apologize for working with Allen.

Teefey responded under her production company Kicked 2 The Curb to someone wanting her to make Selena apologize:

Sorry, No one can make Selena do anything she doesn’t want to. I had a long talk with her about not working with him and it didn’t click.

Other actors and actresses in the movie have decided to donate their pay.

Timothée Chalamet and Rebecca Hall have both said they’re donating their salaries to charity.

The movie is suppose to be out sometime this year.

As for the #TimesUp movement, Selena has shown her support.

Read more of the story here.

Filed under: Mandy Teefey, Selena Gomez, woody allen