KiSS 92.5 / Rogers Media
KiSS 92.5 / Rogers Media

A new University of Oxford study shows that the music of Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran makes Chinese food taste better!?

Psychology professor Charles Spence had 700 test subjects listen to different genres of music as they ate various cuisines. Spence says music is “a kind of digital seasoning.”

Mocha and Maurie tested this out, tasting foods with the suggested song, and a separate song to see if this worked!



  • Chinese food: best served with pop music like Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift.
  • Pasta: best served with classical music like Pavarotti and Vivaldi.
  • Indian food: best served with rock like Bruce Springsteen, Queen and Arctic Monkeys.
  • Sushi: best served with jazz like Nina Simone and Frank Sinatra.