
You’d get a beautiful corsage…it’s TRUE-THOUGH! (I know, awful).

This is Kashlee Taylor-Proulx, a high school student in BC. Judging from her Instagram she likes selfies, her friends, and singing.

The twist?

She’s publicly asked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to her 2016 prom!



Kashlee has had over 11,000 likes and close to 4,000 shares, and it’s still climbing! She said in an interview that recently her boyfriend broke up with her, which left her without a date.

She told Global News, “A lot of teenagers enjoy politics and I feel that if he did come, even if just to give a speech at the graduation ceremony, not only would he be gaining future voters but enlightening my peers about what being a Prime Minister is all about.”

Ask the PM himself! #GETITGIRL

So far, no word from this babe…but, if he’s anything like he appears in this photo, he’ll do something cool for her.

