Wiki Commons
Wiki Commons

Let’s face it, we all know it’s hard to get over an ex when their face keeps popping up in every photo and their stupid name is all over your news feed. Facebook and Google have got you covered by erasing everything about your ex off of your social media.

There’s a new tool that Facebook will be introducing shortly that allows you to see LESS of your ex WITHOUT deleting or blocking them.




SO, here’s how it will work, when you change the status of your relationship with your ex-lover, a message will prompt you to try some new features.




These new features will allow YOU to have full access to how much you can share with your ex and how much of your ex you want to see. Not to mention, you DO NOT have to go through a million gruesome photos of you two and un-tag yourself anymore. Facebook will do it for you.




Google wants to help you out too! Last month they offered a very similar feature, now with the Google Photo App you can “hide” a person’s face from showing up.

Google Instagram
Google Instagram


With the help of the “Rediscover” app you won’t have to delete your photos but they’ll help you store your photos somewhere else until you’re .. uhh emotionally ready to see them again.

I mean of course this won’t erase all your problems… but it’s a start!