This is so exciting and I know you’ll be taking the TTC more often when you hear this!

Seth Rogen, you know him as an actor, comedian, director, writer, and one of our favourite Canadians!

He did some voice work for the TTC. If you’ve ever been on the subway stations around Toronto you’ve heard those delay notices, updates and such…

Well now you’ll hear them from our very own Seth Rogen! You know – spicing things up!


The public transit agency’s website notice states: The TTC thanks Seth for his time and generosity in this fun and unique project. We also thank our customers for doing their part in making riding the TTC a more positive experience for everyone.”

So there’s going to be 12 different messages that will be played across the system. They’re about 20 seconds long and he talks about priority seating, backpacks, cell phone use, holding doors, and even personal grooming (’cause apparently we’re savages and need this reminder)

Or just wait till you’re in the subway, get the in person experience…sooooo excited about this!



Filed under: Seth Rogan, TTC