Today Show / NBC
Today Show / NBC

After the news leaked out yesterday, Charlie Sheen appeared on the Today Show this morning and sat down with Matt Lauer to confirm that he is indeed HIV positive.

Sheen opened up for nearly 20 minutes with Matt Lauer, and talked about everything from the affect HIV has had on his life, the smear campaign people were plotting against him, the millions of dollars he had to pay people to keep quiet, and much more revealing details. Check out part one of the video:



For the past four years, Sheen has known that he is HIV positive. In the next video, Matt Lauer asks Charlie about the possible criminal charges he may face for not divulging this information to his sexual partners. Charlie defended his actions by saying, “But having divulged it is the reason I’m in the mess that I’m in.” Check out that full video below:



Lastly, Charlie’s doctor joined him on the Today Show to talk about the medical side of Sheen’s HIV. In the conversation he states that he is more concerned about is what “substance abuse and depression will do to his body from the disease more than what the HIV can do in terms of shortening his life.” Check out that full conversation below:



Charlie definitely sees this as a his life as a turning point, he said:

“It’s a hard three letters to absorb. It’s a turning point in one’s life. It’s not great. It will be great again. I’m a survivor. I’ve been up, I’ve been down, I’ve been rich, I’ve been poor. It’s another chapter in my life but it’s not commerce driven. It’s socially driven.”