Alex Santos Silva / Flickr
Alex Santos Silva / Flickr

An elderly Australian woman shredded all of her money instead of letting her heirs inherit it. Unfortunately for her, shredding money doesn’t make it go away.

Shortly before passing away, an 85 year old Aussie woman went to the bank, took out her entire fortune in cash, about 1.1 million dollars and ripped it into tiny little pieces. All because she didn’t want her heirs to inherit the money. When she died, the bank wagged their finger and said nuh-uh-uh and will replace the money.



They said, “If the heirs can only find shreds of money and if the origin of the money is assured, then of course it can all be replaced. If we didn’t pay out the money then we would be punishing the wrong people.”




Take this as a victory for everyone who hates their greedy, mean, old grandma.