Selena Gomez has been dethroned.

No longer does she have the most followers on Instagram.


She has over 144 million followers, but with only a few hundred more now, is Cristiano Ronaldo.

Now this social media victory for Ronaldo is a positive story to the sexual assault allegations that he’s been facing over the past few weeks, allegations that he vehemently denies.

As for Selena, I’m going to guess she’s not caring that much she’s not #1.

In an interview in September with Elle, she said:

“I’m not on the internet. I haven’t been on the internet in months. I don’t have my password for Instagram.”

Apparently she uses a friend’s phone that has her account for updates.

But even last month, Selena posted she’s taking a break.

So once she starts posting again, maybe she’ll regain the Insta-throne.




Filed under: Cristiano Ronaldo, Instagram, Selena Gomez