Woah. Pause. Stop what you’re doing. We need to talk.

Our fellow Canadian, Seth Rogen…


Yeah, that guy, with that awesome beard…just shaved it ALL OFF.

It’s gone. He shaved his beard and I can’t even. At first I didn’t believe it, because well..have you ever seen him clean shaven? Didn’t think so

But then I thought, it’s not April Fools…so this has to be legit…right?

Oh it is, it really is my friends.

Prepare yourself…your mind is about to be blown…

The new, clean shaven, actor we all love, and our fellow Canadian:Seth Rogen, ladies and gents.

2018 has been such an emotional roller coaster, but honestly…I’m here for it. Beard or no beard – that man can pull off any look.

You do you, Seth. We love you anyway.

Filed under: Seth Rogan