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It’s Thursday and you know what that means… Here is your opportunity to adopt and give one of these babies a new home!

If you didn’t already know, #SaveOurScruff is a GTA based non-profit organization that rescues and re-homes dogs. These adorable four-legged friends are looking for a furever home!

This week we got the opportunity to visit this beautiful Jack Russell, DAFFY!





DAFFY has arrived! This cutie is the most loveable girl evaaaa! She is an 11 year-old Jack Russell and weighs in at about 20lbs! She is always so happy and excitedly wagging her tail! She is super eager to please and is very attentive with instruction. She has low-medium energy and requires a moderate amount of exercise, enjoying a stroll to a nearby park or just around the block. She likes to greet other pups but would prefer observing play rather than engaging. She loves to play with her ball and noses it in your direction just so you know she and it are there waiting on you to play with her! She’s met a number of cats already and is successfully interacting with them as well. She has been good with the kids she met when out for a walk, allowing them to pet her and talk to her. She is experiencing some moderate separation anxiety when left alone and is working on it with her foster. She is talkative but with regular low-level exercise it decreases. I guess she knows what she wants and how to get it! #diva She sleeps through the night and loves early mornings. She is flexible and can enjoy long afternoon naps or can be out and about running errands with you. She shows her gratitude by offering you kisses and loving you more than you can imagine is possible. She is such a joy!




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KYA is again ready for the spotlight just like she always is! She is a beautiful 9 year old Fox Terrier and has recently lost weight and is a healthier 45lbs! Her energy levels are fun, and up for it. She is no laze-about and has the most FOMO. She will sit and stare at you, and fight off sleep (her eyes start to close and her head bobs, and then she’s like “What did I miss!?!” and comes over for attention). Speaking of attention, she will headbutt and slime you with her nose until you pet her. It’s BEYOND sweet. She’s getting better at having chill dog time though so will take cues from how much love you have to give. She is approachable 90% of the time but is particular with certain dogs and people. She has recently begun doggy school to gain confidence and learn to trust! She is a cat chaser and should not be in a home with kids. When she is ignoring you (she pretends to be hard of hearing.. yeah right) only the tip of her tail wags and she gets really squinty guilty dog face until she can’t fight back the urge to listen to you and runs over. She is completely housebroken and AMAZING in her crate! She will go in on her own if you point to it. She loves belly rubs or just any type of type dedicated to her. She is being fostered in Toronto and would love to meet you!




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Beige squirrel, beige squirrel shake your bushy tail! Our first day of #scruffseniorweek is dedicated to these lovely boys. TURBO & ROMEO are loveable seniors at the age of 9 and 10. They are a BONDED pair meaning they MUST find a home together. Their perfect home would be with someone who is retired that is looking for low energy companions. They like to get up for morning coffee, go check on the neighbourhood (2 20 min walks per day) and then come home and nap (cuddles preferred). They are dog social (enjoy the dog park) and are good with older kids! They do bark when they feel overwhelmed by strangers but have shown a lot of progress with second/third meetings! They like to be pet and are generally the center of attention due to their beautiful Pomeranian coats!

ROMEO is very chill! He has some issues with bladder control (his foster has some strategies) so would benefit from someone who can visit him on their lunch break! He loves to be beside you where he can lay his head on your lap.

TURBO is full of energy, loving to do circles around a dog park/chase squirrels/cats if you let him. He loves to be invited into your bed where he makes himself at home. He just had his teeth removed but is completely un-phased!





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DUCHESS loves her humans almost as much as we like dogs. I think she would rescue us if she could. She’s full of life and just wants to be near or on you. She craves human attention and will be your best friend/companion, whatever you want her to be. She’s happiest getting snuggled or sleeping in her bed. She isn’t otherwise social, not that she doesn’t like other animals, she just is to busy trying to find humans to pet, kiss and adore her. Stranger or room mate, each human offers her happiness and comfort. She is a great dancer and wants to find a great partner.




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Sweet? Cuddly? Quiet? Charming? Affectionate? Loving? Meet all the qualities of our next pooch JAKE. He is a 5-8 (acts more like 8) year old rescue from Mexico. Although his past is unknown, his personality and physical body show signs of abuse. He struggles with separation anxiety and feels the need to be around his human constantly. He wants the love he never had. He wants to trust you and feel protected by you. He has a hard time settling in but once he does he will shower you with love. He has medium-level energy and benefits from one tiring walk a day. He needs help with socialization as he is easily frightened. He is not that interested in building relationships with other dogs at the moment and needs someone to encourage this with proper guidance and reinforcement. He is not comfortable in unpredictable situations just yet and for that reason may not be good with younger children. He knows basic commands and is good on a leash! He is a gentle and very sweet soul. In a way he acts a bit like a retired pup, and wants to be your companion. He seems to have been quite deprived of love/attention and feels as though he may lose yours at any minute.





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Pupdate on YUKON! She even got her blood tested. Once a Dominican mutt, now a fancy German Shepherd mix!: “She’s settled in so well and been an absolute dream. When we got her she was already fully house trained at 12 weeks, she walks perfectly on a leash, she learned sit after 5 minutes and can pick up any new tricks immediately (as long as treats are involved haha). She was pretty scared of new dogs originally and would try so hard to get away from them, but my partner and I persisted and now the dog park is her favourite place in the world. It’s so great to see! We recently had her DNA tested and it came back as 75% or over German Shepherd and 20-36% Keeshond, so a Keeshond grandparent maybe. She couldn’t look any further from a Keeshond if she tried as she has a really short coat so we were pretty surprised haha! She is a LOT smaller than a normal German Shepherd though so maybe she got the Keeshond hight, or maybe she’s just a bit of a shorty. Anyway, we’d just like to thank you guys so much for bringing her into our lives, she’s the funniest, dorkiest little puppy I’ve ever met and we love her so much smile emoticon





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OCEAN has been adopted and is now home with her family!! “OCEAN is a dream! She is doing so well, and I am having so much fun getting to know her. She is smart, gentle and building new confidence every day. She’s already feeling relaxed at home, and has learned a lot in just a few days. She has mastered the stairs, knows how to go to her bed and lie down, and walks like a cloud beside me when we go out. She lets me know when she needs to go by waiting at the top of the stairs, and then galumphs downstairs beside me. At first she was nervous about getting ready for her walks, but she now sits patiently to wait for her jacket and leash. This morning she learned that recycling bins are ok, and braved the sidewalk even though they were out! She loves exploring the alleyways in my neighbourhood where it is nice and quiet! One of her favourite things is to smell all of the new plants and flowers along the way, and sometimes I think she is more like a little fawn then a dog. She is docile with my cat Bean, and yesterday patiently received a cat kiss on her eyelid. She has been friendly and curious with all of the people and dogs we’ve met, and is handling her nervousness extremely well – she is super brave and adapts quickly. I am totally in love with her, and think she is just the perfect pup. I can’t wait for all of our adventures ahead and to see how her personality blossoms as she feels more comfortable. Thanks so much to all the amazing people at Save Our Scruff for bringing this gentle gem into my life, and doing such amazing and important work to find good homes for dogs” Yippy!





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HENRI has been a lover since day 1 and now he gets all the love as we get to celebrate one-year of rescue! Happy one-year adoption anniversary!! “Well we have had Henri now awhile and we can honestly say he has come a long way. He is loving his new home and since Henri we have adopted an elderly dog Molly, another little dog from the Dominican, and 2 cats. Henri is the protector of all and is so very gentle. He is still a little fearful of new people but once the trust is gained he is very accepting. Henri loves nothing more than to run and play. He enjoys his daily walks through the fields and trails and runs as fast as lightening. I have never seen a dog run as fast as Henri. We are so thankful he came into our lives because he truly is a special little guy”



If you want to adopt a dog, start fostering or make a donation, email!

Also visit, the Save Our Scruff Facebook Page, and Instagram!